This spring, TI-Planet sponsored a fairly big programming competition called
TI-Concours. (This is very late news. It started seven months ago and ended four months ago, and I probably should have posted about it then. Oh well—it's too late now.) The contest had three categories, and in each category participants had to create three programs. It was great motivation for me (and also for many others, I'm sure) to get some stuff done in the early months of the year.
For the first part of the Axe contest, we were asked to make a Snake game. Snake? Again? That's one of the most common simple games out there. There must be hundreds of Snake clones on already. I didn't want to make something that would get lost in that
vast sea of snakes and worms and nibbles, so I went and made something completely ridiculous: Snake,
in 3D!

And that's the story of
Snakecaster, the completely overkill Snake game. I had to learn raycasting and other random stuff in order to have any idea how to make it, so it beats
Minesweeper for the most effort I've spent on graphics. (By the way, if anyone out there is interested in learning raycasting, there used to be a really awesome tutorial at It seems to be down now, but you can get the whole thing at the
WayBack Machine. Seriously, there's something
magic about that tutorial.)

The second round was to make a "Paint" program. The main goal for mine was to make it as intuitive as possible. It turned out that I never used it myself once the contest was over, but apparently some people find it still useful, so you can download it
here. (Don't bother asking me for help with drawing Homer Simpson—that sample image was a product of two minutes of
Google Images,
Gimp, and
SourceCoder 2.) I guess since 100% of my effort went into graphics in that program, it beats Snakecaster for the record amount of effort I put into graphics, in a sense.
Finally, there's Fruit Ninja. You've already seen it (I already "released it"
four months ago), but I never actually uploaded it to any archive sites because there was a little bug that had some pretty nasty effects. Specifically, getting a high score would result in corruption of one byte of your calculator's RAM under certain conditions. Not too appealing for an game achievement, is it?

here it is. If you don't know about it yet, watch
this video of it in action. The plan was to take a game that relies on a touchscreen and somehow adapting it so that I could play it in class—yet another ridiculous idea.
Something I didn't mention was the amount of time it took me to sprite those rotating fruit. There's 1.5 KB worth of data in those 16×16 sprites, because there are four types of fruit, and each one has eight different perspectives. And it's 3D. I hate 3D. I had planned at least eight types of fruit, but by the time I realized it'd taken me more time to make the graphics than to
write the code for the game,, I knew I had to stop. And that's by far the most effort I've ever spent on graphics (or will in a very long time, I'm sure).

Along the way, I actually started to enjoy making sprites, especially 8x8 monochrome ones. If you need help with some random sprites, shoot me an email or PM, because I might just do it for fun.
Oh yeah, there's also
Tic-Tac-Toe, or what remains of my plans to enter the TI-BASIC section of the contest as well. It's Tic-Tac-Toe. Moving on.