Wikipad 83
- Click a key to begin
- In the EOS:
- Go to a screen on which you can edit the equations (Y0-Y9).
- In other places:
- Varies between programs, often used as a menu key with the rest of the top row.
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 11
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 53
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 73, 48 (2nd), 73 (Alpha), 73 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Shows up a list of editable settings for the graphscreen, such as minimals, maximals and resolution
- In other places:
- Opens the Table setup page to define start, step and other settings of the table when used with 2nd
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 12
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 52
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 72, 75 (2nd), 72 (Alpha), 72 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Gives options for changing the Window settings to a variety of defaults.
- In other places:
- Gives options for toggling some Graphscreen settings when used with 2nd
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 13
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 51
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 46, 87 (2nd), 46 (Alpha), 46 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Opens the trace function for the current graph.
- In other places:
- Used by DoorsCS7 as the "left-click" button, as well as 2nd.
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 14
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 50
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 90, 59 (2nd), 90 (Alpha), 90 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Opens the graph screen and shows the graph of functions in the Y= menu.
- In other places:
- Used by DoorsCS7 as the "right-click" button, as well as ALPHA; used by some other programs (including many by TI) to submit information.
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 15
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 49
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 68, 74 (2nd), 68 (Alpha), 68 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Used as a modifier key for miscellaneous functions (labeled in yellow).
- In other places:
- Due to its convenient placement near the side of the calculator and at about the same height as the arrow keys, 2nd is often used as the primary key in games.
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 21
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 54
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- N/A
- In the EOS:
- Pulls up a menu containing many system features, including radian/degree, function type, and on some calculators, contains a date and clock.
- In other places:
- Often used in games to bring up a menu or to pause, and sometimes to quit.
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 22
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 55
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 69, 64 (2nd), 69 (Alpha), 69 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Used to delete the character pointed to by the cursor; used in conjunction with the 2nd key to insert text before the cursor.
- In other places:
- Can be used as an escape key.
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 23
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 56
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 10, 11 (2nd), 10 (Alpha), 10 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Used as a modifier key for miscellaneous functions (labeled in green).
- In other places:
- Sometimes used as an alternate game key due to its close placement to the 2nd key.
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 31
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 48
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- N/A
- In the EOS:
- Adds X, T, n, or a theta.
- In other places:
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 32
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 40
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 180, 65 (2nd), 180 (Alpha), 180 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Opens a menu for statistic calculations. Its 2nd function is used far more often in programming, as it provides a GUI frontend to lists.
- In other places:
- Double click to edit
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 33
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 32
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 49, 58 (2nd), 49 (Alpha), 49 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Brings up various math functions the TI-83 has to offer.
- In other places:
- The "A" Key when editing text with Alpha
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 41
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 47
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 50, 51 (2nd), 154 (Alpha), 252 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Shows a list of all the applications on the calculator.
- In other places:
- The "B" Key when editing text with Alpha
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 42
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 39
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 44, 57 (2nd), 155 (Alpha), 252 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Used to bring up the PRGM menu which shows all the ASM and BASIC programs on the calculator.
- In other places:
- The "C" key when editing text with Alpha
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 43
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 31
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 45, 47 (2nd), 73 (Alpha), 73 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Used for displaying and editing variables.
- In other places:
- Opens the distribution menu when used with 2nd
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 44
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 23
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 53, 56 (2nd), 53 (Alpha), 53 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Deletes the current line, page or screen content or may bring you back to homescreen
- In other places:
- Often used as a back button or to quit the currently running program.
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 45
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 15
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 9, 9 (2nd), 9 (Alpha), 9 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- It is used to add a "to the power of negative one" symbol. Also, if 2nd is activated, it pulls up the matrix menu.
- In other places:
- The "D" Key when editing text with Alpha
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 51
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 46
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 182, 55 (2nd), 157 (Alpha), 252 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Adds the sine command sin( or the arcsine command sin-1( when used with 2nd
- In other places:
- The "E" Key when editing text with Alpha
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 52
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 38
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 183, 184 (2nd), 158 (Alpha), 252 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Adds the cosine command cos( or the arccosine command cos-1( when used with 2nd
- In other places:
- The "F" Key when editing text with Alpha
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 53
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 30
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 185, 186 (2nd), 159 (Alpha), 252 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Adds the tangent function tan( or the arctangent command tan-1( when used with 2nd
- In other places:
- The "G" Key when editing text with Alpha
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 54
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 22
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 187, 188 (2nd), 160 (Alpha), 252 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Used for inputting exponents or adds PI when used with 2nd
- In other places:
- The "H" Key when editing text with Alpha
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 55
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 14
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 132, 181 (2nd), 161 (Alpha), 252 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Used for squaring or the square root when used with 2nd.
- In other places:
- The "I" Key when editing text with Alpha
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 61
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 45
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 189, 190 (2nd), 162 (Alpha), 252 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Adds a comma or the *10^ command E
- In other places:
- The "J" Key when editing text with Alpha
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 62
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 37
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 139, 152 (2nd), 163 (Alpha), 252 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Adds a ( to the current input field.
- In other places:
- The "K" Key when editing text with Alpha
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 63
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 29
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 133, 236 (2nd), 164 (Alpha), 252 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Adds a ) to the current input field.
- In other places:
- The "L" Key when editing text with Alpha
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 64
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 21
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 134, 237 (2nd), 165 (Alpha), 252 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Division key or the Euler e key when used with 2nd
- In other places:
- The "M" Key when editing text with Alpha
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 65
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 13
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 131, 239 (2nd), 166 (Alpha), 252 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Invokes the base 10 logarithmic function or the 10^( command when used with 2nd.
- In other places:
- The \"N\" Key when editing text with Alpha; Because its ALPHA character is N, MirageOS and some other programs use this key as \"no\" in confirmation dialogs.
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 71
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 44
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 193, 194 (2nd), 167 (Alpha), 252 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Adds 7
- In other places:
- The "O" Key when editing text with Alpha
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 72
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 36
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 149, 249 (2nd), 168 (Alpha), 252 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Adds 8
- In other places:
- The "P" Key when editing text with Alpha
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 73
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 28
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 150, 250 (2nd), 169 (Alpha), 252 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Adds 9
- In other places:
- The "Q" Key when editing text with Alpha
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 74
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 20
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 151, 251 (2nd), 170 (Alpha), 252 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Multiplication key
- In other places:
- The "R" Key when editing text with Alpha
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 75
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 12
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 130, 135 (2nd), 171 (Alpha), 252 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Invokes the base e (natural base) logarithmic function.
- In other places:
- The "S" Key when editing text with Alpha
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 81
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 43
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 191, 192 (2nd), 172 (Alpha), 252 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Adds 4
- In other places:
- The "T" Key when editing text with Alpha
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 82
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 35
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 146, 246 (2nd), 173 (Alpha), 252 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Adds 5
- In other places:
- The "U" Key when editing text with Alpha
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 83
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 27
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 147, 247 (2nd), 174 (Alpha), 252 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Adds 6
- In other places:
- The "V" Key when editing text with Alpha
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 84
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 19
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 148, 248 (2nd), 175 (Alpha), 252 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Subtraction key
- In other places:
- The "W" Key when editing text with Alpha
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 85
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 11
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 129, 136 (2nd), 176 (Alpha), 252 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Adds the → symbol to the current input field, used for assigning vars. When used after 2nd, it adds the value of the inputted variable.
- In other places:
- The "X" Key when editing text with Alpha
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 91
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 42
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 138, 12 (2nd), 177 (Alpha), 252 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Adds 1
- In other places:
- Because its ALPHA character is Y, MirageOS and some other programs use this key as "yes" in confirmation dialogs. This contradicts with TI's use of 1 as "no" in OS confirmation dialogs, such as the one for deleting a variable.
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 92
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 34
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 143, 243 (2nd), 178 (Alpha), 252 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Adds 2
- In other places:
- The "Z" Key when editing text with Alpha
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 93
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 26
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 144, 244 (2nd), 179 (Alpha), 252 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Adds 3
- In other places:
- The "Θ" (Theta) Key when editing text with Alpha
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 94
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 18
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 145, 245 (2nd), 204 (Alpha), 204 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Addition key
- In other places:
- The quotation mark to indicate begin or end of a string when editing text with Alpha
Shows up the memory management menu when used with 2nd
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 95
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 10
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 128, 54 (2nd), 203 (Alpha), 203 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Turns on the calculator. Used to escape a TI-BASIC program, and used in conjunction with the 2nd key to power off the calculator.
- In other places:
- Used in some programs to put in "standby" mode or used as a quick escape key.
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- N/A
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 41
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 0, 63 (2nd), 0 (Alpha), 0 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Adds 0
- In other places:
- The " "(Space) Key when editing text with Alpha;
Opens the catalog with all usable commands when used with 2nd
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 102
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 33
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 142, 62 (2nd), 153 (Alpha), 153 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Adds decimal point
- In other places:
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 103
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 25
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 141, 238 (2nd), 198 (Alpha), 198 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Used for inputting negative numbers. When used with 2nd, it adds the "ans" variable which contains the value of the last evaluated expression
- In other places:
- The "?" Key when editing text with Alpha
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 104
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 17
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 140, 238 (2nd), 198 (Alpha), 198 (Lowercase Alpha)
- In the EOS:
- Used as a selection key to select or confirm a choice. Also used to calculate the results of an expression on the window screen. It recalls the last inputted & evaluated expression when used with 2nd.
- In other places:
- Used as a selection key in some programs. Due to its physical distance from the arrow keys and the top of the screen, it's often less used then [2ND] as a primary selection key. Also used to escape a "Pause " in programs.
- TI-BASIC getKey:
- 105
- _GetCSC (Axe getKey):
- 9
- _GetKey (Axe getKeyr):
- 5, 13 (2nd), 5 (Alpha), 5 (Lowercase Alpha)

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