Ever notice how logos are getting more "modern"—flatter, more symmetrical, and lighter? In some cases it really is an improvement, like with the
Firefox 4 logo. In most other cases, though, I think their owners should have stuck with the old ones. Take Internet Explorer as an example (since we can always laugh at IE):
Old | New |
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Sure, the second one looks shiny and all, but it just doesn't look— Not sure how to say it, but the old one just plain
looked better. To me, at least.
Maybe it's because the old one looks more solid. True, but the second one's realistic too, especially in the new angle of the faint shadow caused by the golden ring. Yet the first one just looks right for some reason.
And Micro$oft isn't the only one doing these redesigning "improvements." Even Google Chrome's logo
has been updated, as I'm sure all Chrome users have noticed by now:
Old | New |
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I know Google cares a lot about simplicity; its homepage is a testament to that, a perfect example of the way a webpage should be limited to exactly what needs to be there. That's what I love about the company, and Apple too: they got the design right. Still, the Chrome team's come up with a new logo that just doesn't look as good. It's not as realistic, certainly, but I don't think that's the problem. Maybe, like with the IE logo, it's not as solid and tangible anymore. Maybe it's too plain. Or maybe it's just that it doesn't look as much
like a Pokéball anymore.
There's another problem I've noticed with the new Chrome logo. It now seems to be lighted exclusively from the top, without that nice reflective shine at the bottom of the old one. That change, plus the fact that the human eye has an affinity for reddish hues, means the top looks larger than the bottom. Not much of a problem there, but when the logo is scaled down to fit on the Vista Quick Launch bar (and yes, I use Vista), it looks like it's looking downward. It's depressing.
Luckily, it seems like Google's
switching back to the old logo with the next release of Chrome, version 12. That means this downward-facing plate's only here for Chrome version 11, which I really think is a relief. I miss that old logo a lot.
What do you think?
(All images are from Wikipedia uploads.)